Boy Oh boy did 2012 go by fast or what? I feel like I barely blinked and here we are January 5, 2013. Crazy. It's too bad that I still write 2012 on my dates and probably will 'til Mayish. I seem to get better five to six months into the year. Ha! But what dya'll care huh?
I don't know bout you, but I'm still in holiday mode. That's right. Still living it up baking cookies, apple pies, and have quite possibly ordered myself a lil' skirt from JCrew {
A New Year's special} Why? Because I can. And who doesn't love a lil' pick me up after the holidays? Speaking of the holidays I was pleasantly surprised by my handsome on the 21st. What's that? A recap you ask? Alright. Alright. No need to beg :)
So I'm with my sister, playing with my little babies (as usual)...trying to fight back the stubborn tears I've had for the past couple of
weeks err the past four months. [
Watching other couples and being long distance is a recipe of heartache for someone as sensitive as I. Especially since Handsome told me he didn't have any time off as he started a new job. I try to play it off and am usually strong about it, but curse the holidays when you want to be with your special someone and family.]
So my momma being the sweet mom she is, calls us girls up and says, "Mil, Isa, you girls should get tickets to see 'The Hobbit'. I know Isa has been down so you kids grab eight tickets (
for us, bro-in-law, bro & sis, and our two cousins; big fam...we know)." So while my sis is ordering thoughts are, thank you momma for some distraction and a great movie:)
Later around 3ish, Handsome calls me. I hadn't heard from him much which was a lil' unusual for us, but I didnt think anything of it. Anyways back to the call.
Babe: Hey beautiful, whatcha doin...
Me: Not much, just getting ready to go watch 'The Hobbit'. Whoot! Whoot!
Babe: Uh any chance you'd like to watch it later with me?
Bratty me: Um like in a month or so? <Hesitantly> I guess... but I was really excited...would you hate me if I watched it?
Babe: Well uh, I didn't want to tell you, but I'm in Moab...on my way to surprise you...
Me: <Shrieks> then I start crying. "for real, for reals" barely audible.
Babe: haha, yes.
So four hours later, Handsome pulls into the driveway and before he can get out of the car, I'm planting kisses on his face and pulling him into the house.
The 22nd, we went to Fudruckers and watched the long awaited Hobbit. I'm obsessed. This I know:)
Then we went Christmas Lights sight seeing and finished the evening off with Dunkin Donuts!
The 23rd being a Sunday and such we didn't get to peruse, however I want everyone to know that my man is THE man of all men. You know why? Because he simply puts me first without any argument, is soooo good with my family especially the little ones, and is so ready for anything always in good spirits. For instance, my family and I were singing in our church choir for the Christmas Sunday service. I initially asked what he would like to do, but then blabbed out, "please sing with us". And you know what, without hesitation that sweet man of mine sang in choir. In front of strangers. Because I asked! I was a lil' surprised, but above all grateful and astounded at how amazing he truly is. I love that every so often I learn something new about him. It not only gets better, but makes my love that much stronger for him.
Finally the 24th arrived! Christmas Eve is HUGE no its GINORMOUS GIGANTICUS in my family. We celebrate both with our filipino and American culture. On the 24th its called Noche Buena. We wake up early, start cooking and baking alongside singing and dancing, prepping for the big feast and festivities. Its too much fun really!
But when Handsome is around, and its the only time I see him... well I'm willing to tear away from fam for a bit. And that's exactly what we did. We decided to sneak away for a couple of hours and go to town. We ate at Boon's, a fabulous Thai restaurant. It was so delicious. Both the food and the company.

There was so much fun the 24! Full of love, family, and friends. We ate, we sang karaoke (haha), and danced. Ahhh slow dancing! Newfound love. I actually don't mind when Handsome takes me by the hand and decides to dance with me. < cue the swooning hehe > Then daddy shared the story of our Savior's birth, expounding on the beginning of his miraculous work on Earth. The clock stroke 12 and we all wished one another Merry Christmas. Presents were opened and all were happy. I definitely am blessed. So blessed with wonderful family members who love and support unconditionally. To have an amazing beau, and our love that just keeps getting better and better! But most of all, to have the gift of everlasting life with a loving Heavenly father and mother [and all my loved ones] if I play my cards right here on earth. Blessed. Such a great word to wrap up my Christmas.

Christmas morning I not only opened my stocking from Santa, but went swiftly to see my Handsome and exchanged our Christmas gifts. I was spoiled to say the less. Annnnd he knows me all too well. We later watched Le Miserables (A MUST SEE...I'm dying to go again!) Later we came back home to just enjoy one another's splendor. All I wanted to do was cuddle up with this man of mine and talk and cuddle and laugh. It's all sooooo much better in person. Take my word for it.
Wednesday snuck up on me faster than I liked and begrudgingly, I had to let that Handsome of mine leave. You'd think it'd get easier each time to say good-bye, but it only gets harder. This was by far THE best Christmas I've had so far! All my loved ones were present, fun was had, and love oh that sweet noun that encompasses so much and yet can be taken granted for, was and is the greatest gifts of all I received.
New Years was amazing too. More food, more dancing and singing, and most of all enfolded with my family members. I'm so grateful for all that I have. I can't wait for what 2013 has to bring. I can only imagine that the Best Is Yet To Come. Like Blue Eyes said:
Wait till you're locked in my embrace
Wait till I hold you near
Wait till you see that sunshine place
There aint nothin like it here
The best is yet to come, and wont that be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day that your mine
I cant wait to be 'locked in his embrace' once again.