Hello Friends!
Been awhile eh? How's life you ask? Its good...incredibly busy, but good nonetheless! I have so many blessings to be thankful for. Matter of fact, things have gone unexpectedly better than what I imagined. You know that saying, "When one door closes...another opens"? Maybe it's just me but I despise this saying. Why? Well because I like any other person (I assume) have difficulty understanding why things go awry. I am the type of person who plans for things and if they don't happen then I get super bummed, even down and depressed. I mean we all want something badly to happen right? Whether it be in our personal lives, school, career, etc. I struggle with understanding why things don't work out. My thoughts were, I'm a hard worker, I try to be positive, I pray, etc. And yet the dream didn't result. WTF??! Right? But here's the beauty in it. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for our lives more beautifully written then we could ever imagine. I have realized over time (although still learning to implement this concept) that everything works out the way it should...meaning that Heavenly Father has us ALWAYS in our best interest, even if it causes heartache. But He is good. He is always 100% working for our benefit. He's that lovely and amazing! Believe you me though, I have to constantly remind myself of this because during the moment it doesn't always feel as such. For example, last year after graduation, I was on top of the world! I felt like my career dreams were about to come true. I got offered a job in New Mexico to be a therapist, they'd pay for my student loans, and I'd live with my family. Almost no bills, dream job, and hopefully marriage in a year. Did it happen quite the way I planned? Not at all. But it slowly things are falling into place. See, Heavenly Father's timeline is so much better than I could predict for my own life. I am remembered of this lesson...maybe too often, including tears, heartache, and anger. But its a good reminder.
In Chapter 59 of Charles Dickens', Great Expectations, Estella says to Pip, "Suffering has been stronger than all other teachings, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but- I hope into a better shape."
I completely agree with Estella. All the trials I have had in my life have helped shape me into a better person. At least I hope so. I have THE most supportive family. They're with me through thick and thin. It really is true that blood is thicker than water. They have this keen sense of always catching me when I fall. Also, I wouldn't have met the love of my life if I had held on to relationships that just weren't working out. I wouldn't of had this wonderful man who accepts me with all my faults and loves me unconditionally. I am now in a challenging, but warm atmosphere at work. I still have other endeavors I want to pursue, but this is a good start. I wake up feeling that my job is worthwhile and I just may be making a difference. I may not see His guiding hand in all things, but I sure am glad he's in charge of directing me. Even if it meant that I had to learn a couple hard lessons, or meet people that weren't so pleasant along the way, then it was worth it, because I have received so many more blessings. I know that when I am faced with trialsome times in my life, I can turn my trust and faith in the Lord. That he will have MY best interest in His hands, and whatever He decides for my life I will be at peace with. If the answer is no, I know that is the best answer for my life! I've been able to look at everything in a more positive light because of HIS grace, HIS goodness and HIS love. I feel truly blessed to know that. I hope that bitterness does not rise when one door closes for me or for you.
Estella also said, "Moths and all sorts of ugly creatures, hover about a lighted candle. Can the candle help it?".
Simply put, No. Which can be the hardest answer of all. Sometimes we are faced with that which is most difficult or something in which we do not have the capacity to understand. We're left asking, "Why?". In my personal experience, I believe that some answers will never be given or found. However, acceptance and faith is what has helped me endure. I can't take all the credit because Heavenly Father has blessed me in times of lonliness for certain individuals to help pick me up. I believe that some people enter your life if even for a mere second to help teach and remind us of the good there is in the world. It is my wish that you my friends, that you can see and be grateful for what Heavenly Father is trying to do, in yours and my benefit, that he lifts us even beyond pain and anger. To give it to him and know that all will be well. I pray for all of you reading this, that you will be blessed with beautiful opportunities and for us to be blessed we must have an attitude of thanksgiving. My theory is, when one door closes, be grateful and know that Heavenly Father wants only the best for us. Hope you all are having a splendid Wednesday!
Simply put, No. Which can be the hardest answer of all. Sometimes we are faced with that which is most difficult or something in which we do not have the capacity to understand. We're left asking, "Why?". In my personal experience, I believe that some answers will never be given or found. However, acceptance and faith is what has helped me endure. I can't take all the credit because Heavenly Father has blessed me in times of lonliness for certain individuals to help pick me up. I believe that some people enter your life if even for a mere second to help teach and remind us of the good there is in the world. It is my wish that you my friends, that you can see and be grateful for what Heavenly Father is trying to do, in yours and my benefit, that he lifts us even beyond pain and anger. To give it to him and know that all will be well. I pray for all of you reading this, that you will be blessed with beautiful opportunities and for us to be blessed we must have an attitude of thanksgiving. My theory is, when one door closes, be grateful and know that Heavenly Father wants only the best for us. Hope you all are having a splendid Wednesday!