[I need reassureness of my normalcy] Have you ever had one of those moments where you knew what you were doing but not really? Or what you should do but didn't? How 'bout I stop the confusion and just relay the dang story.
Here's the sitch:
Boss Lady: Lisabeth, can I see you in my office real quick?
Me: Course!
Boss: Instructing. Compliments. Proceeds to instruct some more.
Me: Listening. I think. For the first 5 minutes at least. Eyes glaze.
Boss: Got it? Lisabeth?
Me: {hesitative; desperately salvaging my being} Uhh...OHhh for surrrre! {Possibly too exuberant}
As I left her office, the voice in my head was having an anxiety attack folks. What the faaaaa did she just say?! was on instant replay. As was a cyclical version of questions. Did my eyes really glaze? Did I twitch? Oh gosh what did I do? I can't even remember what I did! What were her exact words? I instantly regret not having a robot feature like audio memory, or a rewind button, or for heaven sakes an energy drink or something to say the very least.
As a new elementary counselor, (P.S. there is a God and I was blessed with a job) I have the opportunity to teach social skills. Hence, I should automatically be able to respond with the correct behavior in a scenario like this, right? Right. Buuuuuut in my case, as with most things in my life this too was of the contrary. [And I call myself a professional]
So just an FYI, the key to communication is to make sure you're attentive, replying with an oooh or ahhhh, and at the end of the conversation both parties end on the same page or understanding of the sort ....this would make logistical sense.
So let me tell you why I was glazed over and fell asleep in my chair...
Aside from the fact that we are/were preparing and handing out the state exams for our students (AKA. Super importante!) I was receiving my instructions to proctor. Okay, for everyone out there. Testing. Its BORING. I repeat dead, tired, boring. Makes me feel sorry for the littles that have to sit through four-six hours of it. Obviously this wasn't going to jump drive my energy. Just the day before I had had a very fun-filled, wonderful, divine amazing (also including an intense moment as a newby standby...details to be filled in later) SPRINGBREAK with my honey bunches of oats!
So it had been three weeks since my handsome and I had seen each other. To you, maybe not so long. Even handsome is more patient with the time and distance. But me. Oh you can bet hells bells that I was aching to see him. The real test here though was to somehow convince my parents to let me go to Utah. Wait. What? Your parents are helicopter parents too and super protective and wouldn't let you go to another state without an engagement ring? And you're 28? Perfect! You know exactly how I feel! Folks, its not as bad as my sarcasm implies, but it is difficult and different at times.
So miracle number 1:
Lisabeth gets to go to Utah! {Hurrah!!!} For not only 3 days as originally allotted but FIVE! This is huge guys! HUGE! If anyone knows my ma, it is sooooo Huuuuge! K. So aside from the humongous loosening of the leash, Stay tells me, "Oh and I'll be introducing you to my family". Nbd, yea? My jaw totally drops. Huge deal. For Stay, this is like he took 5 big steps in our relationship. In my head I say, "Woah! Stay actually wants me to meet his fam bam". And then reality sunk in and I felt sorta nervous.
However, as the days lead up closer to my mini pre-drive vakay to Utah:Lisabeth gets to go to Utah! {Hurrah!!!} For not only 3 days as originally allotted but FIVE! This is huge guys! HUGE! If anyone knows my ma, it is sooooo Huuuuge! K. So aside from the humongous loosening of the leash, Stay tells me, "Oh and I'll be introducing you to my family". Nbd, yea? My jaw totally drops. Huge deal. For Stay, this is like he took 5 big steps in our relationship. In my head I say, "Woah! Stay actually wants me to meet his fam bam". And then reality sunk in and I felt sorta nervous.
Mama Gladden says, "Um I don't know if I feel comfortable with you driving"...
Me: [trying my best NOT to throw a 2 year old tantrum] "Okay well I've checked the weather, my car
just had an oil change, and I've said like 12 prayers. Things should be okay". {smiling really hard}.
Mama Gladden: "I don't know Lisa. We'll see".
Blast those 2 words! Worst words ever! Well besides 'You're Ugly' or something of the sort. You get my drift. In my mom's language this usually it is 98% No! or she'll carry out the torture longer and still end up saying no.
But little did I know that Havili had something up his own sleeve. Later, that night he says, "Babe, I have good news, instead of you driving, I was able to get a Buddy Pass from my cousin." {Shout out to Bonnie and Yella}. I end our call stat and run up the stairs! "Uhhhh, Mom! Dad! Stay just bought be a ticket! It's better right?! You feel better, yes?!" A little taken aback, they reply, "Nice, is it standby?" Freak! What do they do?! How do they knowwwwww? Ma G says, "I do not want a chance flight...too risky". I instantly (and desperately) remark, "Mom! Uhhh, errr its not! He spent $450! How sweet huh?" [guys I was beyond desperate, k? I'm sure Heavenly Father understands]. Well aside from the details I got to go! The plane ride(s) to Salt Lake couldn't go any faster! Flying standby was a bit nerve racking but I managed. I was literally on the edge of my seat! We landed and it was too surreal. I kept pinching myself to make sure it was legit. It was. I'd show you my bruises buttttttt I have none because I don't like inflicting pain. And just so you know, I kissed that man good and hard when he picked me up!
You guys so much happened and yet not enough did whilst in Utah! I mean there was eating, there was reuniting with friends, there was meeting new very important and kind family members {soon to be inlaws}, watching movies, playing games. There was just lots and lots of comfortable companionship! I couldn't soak enough of it in! I want to be back. Not in windy, ugly, New Mexico. It was splendid to be in his arms. To be able to talk face to face. To enjoy one another's company not via FaceTime or by cell or whatever. It was real. And all to fast. Meeting his family and getting to know them, to see my babers interact with them, it was a blessing. That man of mine. He's so devoted, charitable, kind, and just good! You know he would take off work early to see me? Buy me my favorite meal or dessert because he knew it'd bring a smile to my face? Take me to way too many shopping malls cause he knew it'd tickle my fancy even if he'd have to patiently wait for an hour or so while I perused and the such? I can't get enough! I'm still trying to wake up and see if it wasn't a dream!
Miracle 2:
Flying stand by isn't the shiz nits when you have a schedule and parents who wanted you home yesterday. My connecting flight from SLC to Phoenxi went smoothly. But from Phoenix to Durango, it was another story. I had caught the 7AM flight but not the 9AM flight back because a not so nice man who shoved his superiority in my face beat me to it. He even chuckled. I was already on the verge of crying and found out from the attendant that there was only 1 flight back to Durango scheduled to leave in 2 hours.Stay and I were thinking of every option I could take, but I refused to be defeated.I knew I had to get on, otherwise I would be dead meat and not the good kind. So several prayers were spewed out to Heaven as were tears. Let me tell you. 2.5 hours is torture enough, but being able to get on literally 2.5 seconds before they closed the gates was a rush! What an EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER!
Flying stand by isn't the shiz nits when you have a schedule and parents who wanted you home yesterday. My connecting flight from SLC to Phoenxi went smoothly. But from Phoenix to Durango, it was another story. I had caught the 7AM flight but not the 9AM flight back because a not so nice man who shoved his superiority in my face beat me to it. He even chuckled. I was already on the verge of crying and found out from the attendant that there was only 1 flight back to Durango scheduled to leave in 2 hours.Stay and I were thinking of every option I could take, but I refused to be defeated.I knew I had to get on, otherwise I would be dead meat and not the good kind. So several prayers were spewed out to Heaven as were tears. Let me tell you. 2.5 hours is torture enough, but being able to get on literally 2.5 seconds before they closed the gates was a rush! What an EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER!
Miracle 3:
My parents welcomed me home with smiles and hugs. This was unexpected because the day before I had broke the fib to my ma and let's just say it was not taken well...at all. But alas! All was forgiven and forgotten! I love when that happens. And that my twinner always knows how to save my bum! Unconditional love baby!
My parents welcomed me home with smiles and hugs. This was unexpected because the day before I had broke the fib to my ma and let's just say it was not taken well...at all. But alas! All was forgiven and forgotten! I love when that happens. And that my twinner always knows how to save my bum! Unconditional love baby!
From Left to Right: Si'i, Stay's super shy but sweet brother in law, Ame, Stay's sister who is super nice and not as scary at all as Stay made her out to be, Stay's mama Tu'u who's super funny and so kind and welcoming. Stay Tay and Me
On our way to lunch and a movie. That evening we met up with Jeni & Siaki! Our fave doubling couple!
You guys! Do you see this?! This is so me in like 50-60 years! She was too cute not to secretly take a picture of!
Lil' Quaid! The morning I left, Stay soaked him with cologne and put him in my backpack. As cliche as this sounds, the smell totally helps me sleep better when I'm missing my mister!
I wish I had more pics to share! I took my camera every where with me but kept forgetting to take pictures. Silly me! But ya know, I've come to realize how big the little things in life really are. Its learning to take time out to enjoy the small things in life. The little things in life are what connect us to the bigger things. A simple daily hug to a lover or a family member may not seem that huge everyday, but when they are gone, just the memory of this embrace can be a fulfilling memory that will make you smile. At least it does me and gets me through the harder times. Never underestimate doing the little things, and make sure that you go out of your way to do them because you will reap the rewards for doing so. I know I'm way more grateful and love Stay more and more each day because of this, the efforts we put into making our relationship work, and for being able to realize the little things he does for me that add up to the bigger things!
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