Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's In the Name?

Awww those famous words by Shakespeare....

Buttttttt this isn't about a rose or the smell of it's sweetness. In fact its a post to shed some light behind this girl's here blog name: Chasing Li-Ly.

Ya know peeps...if there are in fact any peeps out there..coming up with a blog name was pry one of the most difficult challenges for me. Not for the lack of creativity. Nah, this girl had paaaalennnnnty of cool names. Unfortunately, other cool people beat me to the punch line. Like "Ever Mine Ever Thine" or "She said He said" or something cute yet cliche. In fact I thought I'd be one of the few to profess the greatness of love. Ha! Who am I kidding?  I just knew I wanted to create a blog centered on my boy and I, but not excluding the loves of life! The 3 F's: Family, Friends, & Fashion.  The boy and I are long distance so I thought it'd be nice to document our adventures together; collect memories on a hardware device because my natural one (ie. my brain) is flaky...likes to change details or make things up :)

So to give credit where credit is due, my very good friend Jenilyn helped me brainstorm. She's a smart cookie that one. <this convo was via text but if it were in person this is how it would've went down>

J: "Why not do a hybrid name? Put your names together?"...

L: (smack hand to forehead) "Uh duh! Why didn't I think of that?

I mean hybrid totally runs in my family genes. My name derives from both my grandmother's names (Barcelisa + Laura Beth = Lisabeth). My sister's is a hybrid from my mom and daddy's names (Vernon + Rosemil = Love annnnnd my twinner's name Vermil).

So without further adieu and to finally get to the dang point Li-Ly comes from (Lisa +Staley = Lily)...technically it'd be Liley, but to be honest didn't realize it 'til just now. Underlining it could've helped a lot folks! Should I edit the blog name? If so, anyone know how to help with that?  I could also add that Lily is my nickname from family members but that's neither here nor there although maybe that's even more of an inkling to my man and I's enduring relationship :)

Okay enough with the mushiness! Here's some photos!

Text Painting by Simon Fairless

But in all seriousness I love this guy. I don't know what life would be like without him.

Monday, November 12, 2012

"Life's a Party! Crash it!"

Okay okay okay. I know. I totally stole a line from 'Wedding Crashers"...def won't be the last time, but I had to get your attention somehow, right? Too bad I don't know of a party for you to crash. However, I invite you to follow me on my journey... albeit through cyberspace:)

So why the blog now? Well after living 27 years and just learning about 'blogs' errrrrr a year ago, and might I add stalking them vigorously.... I finally decided to give it a shot. Maybe get in touch with my Asian side. Live it up in the techi world! Buuuuuut, if you know me you already know I'm SOoooo novice to technology...uh and math. Whelp the gene skipped this one, but C'est la vie (Translation: Such is Life).

This blog will be as random as myself; capturing life's great and possibly low moments, surrounding it with what I love: my babers, my family, food, and fashion. I'll pry sneak in some moments of vulnerability, like my poetry (ahhhh!), my DIY projects, and ideologies (I'm a therapist so it just projects) annnnd apologizing for that horrible pun that yes was intended. So sit tight and yes grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly pal!